Tuesday, August 2, 2011

package in the mail!!

so i got something today...!!!

awhile ago something awesome happened to me. i won a giveaway!!! laura at corner house was giving away an amazing paper wreath. it. is. adorable. and beautiful. and cute. and the moment i saw it i said, ohhh i need to make that!! but i can't because i would have to buy the martha stewart scallop punch thingy and i don't have money for that right now.. plus it would never look as lovely as hers! then i found out there was a giveaway going on. i said, oh i need to win me this wreath. i still had my spring wreath up. it was time. so i entered. and prayed that i could pleasepleaseplease win this wreath!

and then i did. and guess what... IT CAME TODAY!! i have been waiting and waiting and waiting patiently and the mail lady knocked on my door this morning. i got the box and looked at the adress and i said, MY WREATH IS HERE!!!! and i ripped that sucker open. and i didn't mess around, it was already on the door after only being in my possession for about 3 minutes (1 minute was spent opening the package, another was spent getting the ribbon the right length for my door. otherwise it would have taken me 60 seconds flat). just look at this lovely

i know, best giveaway win ever, right? i love it!! it's so beautiful and it's made so well. and it arrived in perfect condition. i feel like i need to send laura a gift now because this thing is just so pretty, i feel guilty just accepting it for free!

but i am so glad my wreath is here hanging love-ily on my door : )


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