Saturday, May 7, 2011


i love wreaths. i have discovered a new hobby of making them. it's so fun! and you can make them for so cheap sometimes. well, a lot of times. like this wreath

i made this wreath for about $10. it's huge too. it takes up a lot of my wall in my bedroom. i am pretty sure i fall in love with it a little more each day. i posted about this wreath before and showed you where the nester did it. i did mine a little differently. 

i started by folding coffee filters and gluing them onto the back of the wreath. this way you don't see any of the wreath form when you see the wreath from the side... plus it just seemed like an easier place to start. i also got the tip to leave the plastic on my wreath form.. way less messy and why unwrap it and deal with mess you don't need?

then i just kept folding, gluing and layering. my filters go around in a circle which at first i didn't like as much as the nester's wreath.. but now i like the pattern of the ruffles going around it. LOVE it!

i will warn you that this way of making it took me hours. i mean, i am slow at crafts anyway so maybe this won't be your problem, but this sucker took me about 5 hours in all to finish. yah. i needed a lot more filters making the wreath this way. i thought for a minute (or about 800 minutes) that i was never going to really cover this whole thing. but i made it. and now it just looks so beautiful and pretty and ruffle-y in my room. it's pretty dreamy really.

i mean, come on. dream. y. : )

i've made a couple other wreaths since then, but one of my favorites is this wreath over at little things bring smiles. i made mine exactly like she made hers and now it accompanies my beautiful filter wreath.

it was so easy and probably cost me about $5 or less. although i am concerned my peas are losing their green-ness. or maybe it's just the lighting... i may have to paint over it to make it really green again. anyway, it's still adorable and i love the texture and that it was cheap and way easy. plus every time i mention it i get to call it my "pea wreath". i know, i am a child but it makes me laugh every time!

it feels good when the things you love are things you've made, not just bought at some store. i think wreaths are a nice cheap and easy way to do that. so try it! make one! you won't regret it... probably... : )

some more inspiration for you:

a no-sew wreath posted by amy of hoopdeedoo at neathering our fest

this adorable burlap and jute wreath at the casabella project

this awesome and adorable jute wreath over at momma gets real. this inspired my spring wreath i made on that horrible day where my finger almost burned off... : )

and of course the nester makes another appearance with this fur wreath that i completely covet. this might just get made some time in the near future.... : )

and of course every one's favorite variation of the wreath, these awesome moss letters that are so in right now. this is thrifty decor chick's version. i looove it in front of the mirror. : )

and yes i added this last one because i thought there should be 5 inspiring photos instead of 4... so what?


  1. i have all the material to make a wreath. i just need the 800 minutes to actually do it. sigh. i love your ruffly coffee filter though! too cute :)

  2. Loving your wreaths..especially your little split pea one!!! Mine were that size too :) After 5 weeks I had to say goodbye to mine because the peas lost their pretty green color. That's ok--it was a fun, cheap, and easy project and I'm looking forward to making more!! I'm feeling rather inspired by your coffee filter wreath..thinking I may have to try this :)

    Great Job Jessica! Hope you had a great weekend!



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