Saturday, April 9, 2011

progress is a funny thing.

i would say we have made progress on my spring break list o' things to do.. but it certainly doesn't look like it around here! so many projects... everything seems like a mess! in my defense, a few things were added to the list... umm... and also... well... okay so sooomeeetimes i didn't feel like doing projects for a little bit. i think that's perfectly reasonable to relax occasionally.. well here is our "progress" thus far:

*paint stripes in the sunroom (so completely excited about this)
*paint the kitchen

*make and paint a headboard (psh, easy peasy) this got cancelled... something was bought instead that will be blogged about later...!!!! : )
*(maybe) paint a pattern on half wall.... debating if i want this done or not (i can't make up my mind!!!)      (we decided to just paint it black, eek!)
*make and hang entry way chalk board (this is half done.. haha)
*cover ugly horrendous cabinets in kitchen and bath (oh i know i will be walking on clouds when this gets done!!) (also half done..)

to this list i added:
*paint picture frame from bedroom
*paint little candle holder
*organize bookshelf
*organize kitchen cabinets

so all of these on this little list are done except organizing kitchen cabinets. haha what a laugh. they are a disaster and will probably be that way for a little while longer... or a lot while longer... dunno : )
the one room that is looking complete right now is the sunroom. it is so beautiful and glorious in there. *sigh* i am totally in love. in the spirit of progress let's have a before and after! : )  *get ready for picture extravaganza!!*


DURING (because it's fun):

wonderful husband taping and taping and more taping : )

yikes!!! what a disaster haha..


it is seriously oh-so-lovely. i wish the pictures did it justice. it's gor-GEOUS. i realize i made the after pictures gigantic.. sorry about that. but i had to. it was just necessary. i apologize. but the smaller pictures just weren't doing enough justice to my lovely stripes. i am so happy with it!!! this place is starting to feel so much like home : )


  1. Awesome Job! I love following you! You write so great! Keep up the good work and maybe I just might do some of the things I have in my HEAD!! LOL

  2. LOVE it! looks awesome!! and because i want to type a few more exclamation points... YAY!!!!!!!! ;)

  3. I love the stripes! It looks great! WTG! :)

  4. I love the stripes! They turned out awesome!


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