Monday, March 28, 2011

ohhhh, pottery barn.

who doesn't love pottery barn? for real. if you do not love it, i want to know because i think there is not a person alive who doesn't love that place. i have only been to the actual store a few times in my life, but i study their catalogs and websites. yes, i even get pottery barn kids catalog and i have 0 kids. but for me, pottery barn is about dreaming. and inspiration. mostly because i can't afford anything they are selling. and even if i can afford it, i know i can find a cheaper version at marshalls or somewhere, or create my own cheaper version. this does not mean, however, that i don't want anything with a pottery barn lable on it. i still wanted to own SOME things from there since i adore it to the bottom of my soul.

well now i can say i DO own something from pottery barn!! : ) my wonderful husband put a gift card in my stocking worth $20. well i held on to this thing for months which is sooo not like me. i can't help myself, when i get a gift card i want to buy something like, NOW. none of this fooling around, holding onto it until the best possible purchase can be made.. oh no. if i can spend free money, well i will do it and i will do it now. (which explains why all my other gift cards were spent by week 2 of january..) but i never spent money at pottery barn so i wanted to get the best possible purchase. something i LOVED and something i really needed. so when we decided to add another "orange-y pink-y terra cotta-y" color to our room i wanted something that color. and i saw this:

it had free shipping, the color i needed, and i just loved it. so i finally spent my gift card. it was sad and exciting all at once! then a couple days later it was dropped off at my door. and so now it is sitting so beautifully in my room and i am so happy to say that i actually OWN something from pottery barn!!!!

  yessssssssss. : )

1 comment:

  1. oh to have a pottery barn tag sticking prominently off something in my home - that is a gift card well spent! beautiful pillow! :)


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